
A year ago Cabin Porn had an open international call for project submissions for their next book. I submitted The Hab, my tiny cabin in the woods, hoping for the best. We got the call a few months later that out of 4000 submissions, The Hab was chosen as one of the final 100 selections for the new book. We are ecstatic! The book arrived today and we couldn’t be happier. Many thanks to Cabin Porn for their beautiful publication (that paper!), Carey Shaw Photo for the fantastic photographs, my folks, and my team at Bldg Studio Inc.

Here’s the text from the book:

“The Hab sits on the shore of a quiet lake in the Thickwood Hills of Saskatchewan. Named after the shelter in the 2015 film The Martian, the structure was built by owner/designer Crystal Bueckert to be a self-sustaining, off-grid pod that could be fully functional in the middle of nowhere. Clad in black corrugated metal with cedar soffits, the 8-foot by 12-foot cabin has an interior of whitewashed pine plywood and a 7-foot by 7-foot cedar deck. Inside is a daybed, a collapsible desk, a small kitchen, a sleeping loft, and a composting toilet. Webbing keeps books and pantry items secure while pine crates offer storage beneath the daybed.”

Here’s the link to their website: cabinporn.com/inside. Starting October 1st, it will be available in the US, CA, UK, AU, and NZ. Most stockists will ship worldwide. Also, translated editions are coming very soon. Help spread the word!

Crystal Bueckert